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In the interest of transparency I'm going to be completely honest.  I know very little about the DARF brand.  I know it's a cold pressed brand and I know that it comes from the Netherlands.  After that?    

Well, it scores highly on All About Dog Food.  It lists fresh raw meat in it's ingredients list. A lot of other cold pressed food starts off with meat meal when they begin the process so it stands apart.  While many brands use brown rice or wheat or barley to bind their ingredients, DARF uses millet to bind these chunky pellets.  Millet is relatively easy for dogs digest and it's also less likely to be the cause of any intolerance. 

Why then does DARF have a place on Dog Meats Bone? 

Quite simply because I have seen rave reviews about this food.  It's high quality, dogs seem to love it and it's pocket friendly.

As Dog Meats Bone is here to be of service to you I wanted to make it easy for your dog to sample this kind of cold pressed food. Give it a go and let me know what you think.